NetView V5.0 on AIX4.2.1 ...
I'm collecting network utilization on some of our Cisco router
interfaces. Lately, I've noticed (this is just when I noticed
it. It may have been going on a while <smile>.) that the
data starts to flatline or at least become a lot more sparse
starting 3 days back and earlier. Heck, somoe of them just
plain flatline on anything more than 3 days ago! Why is
my collection data being truncated? I have 400Meg free
in that filesystem.
Thank you --Greg Redder
Network Analyst
Colorado State University
Greg Redder Academic Computing & Networking Services
Colorado State University, ACNS Phone:(970)491-7222 FAX: (970)491-1958
601 S. Howes, Room 625 E-mail:
Fort Collins, CO 80523 PGP Fprint:68CEE78C86AC452881B27249785FEE91