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Re: Limitation on SnmpColDump

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: Limitation on SnmpColDump
From: Leslie Clark <lclark@US.IBM.COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 20:02:42 -0400
Reply-to: Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on NetView <NV-L@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU>
Sender: Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on NetView <NV-L@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU>
Take a look at the man page for snmpColDump. I believe there is an example
in there
for truncating a file. I think (and it has been a while) that it involves
selecting the data you
want to keep and writing it out to another file, then you can remove the
old one. Hope
you have some spare disk space...


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
(248) 552-4968 Voicemail, Fax, Pager

---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on 04-06-99
07:59 PM ---------------------------

Wouter de_Bruin <W.M.de.Bruin@DNB.NL> on 04-06-99 10:10:50 AM

Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
      NetView <NV-L@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU>

cc:    (bcc: Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM)
Subject:  Limitation on SnmpColDump

Hi all,

Is there a limitation on the amount of records that the snmpColDump command
can process?
I have a collection file with a size of approximately 15 meg, and the
output of the snmpColDump command stops at exactly the same spot
three quarters of the way through the file.

Yes, obviously this file has grown out of proportions, and I am considering
using an RDBMS.
Is there a way to archive let´s say the first month of collected data from
the collection file, without losing the most current data from the file, or
do I have to think out a way myself?

Wouter de Bruin
Network Consultant
De Nederlandsche Bank
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