Ok, now that I know I can foward traps from netview to TEC using the baroc
files I should be ok.
>>> Jane Curry <jane.curry@SKILLS-1ST.CO.UK> 06/28 7:04 AM >>>
DON'T install the tecad_snmp adapter on your NetView machine (or any
other network manager machine). As James says, the tecad_snmp adapter
is a standalone, basic SNMP manager. That means it will listen for
traps from the network on port UDP/162. If you have both NetView and
the tecad_snmp adapter setup to start on a machine reboot (which is the
default), there will be a fight over who gets port UDP/162 and the first
one wins - usually teacd_snmp and then many of your NetView daemons will
fail to come up!
Tivoli Certified Enterprise Consultant
Skills 1st Limited, 2 Cedar Chase, Taplow, Bucks, SL6 0EU, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1628 782565
Copyright (c) 1999 Jane Curry <jane.curry@skills-1st.co.uk>. All rights