When the name appears in the trap, it is because Netview was able
to resolve the address which sent the trap and get that name. But the device
does not always (apparenlty) send the traps from the same address.
This is why it is important that you set up name resolution for all of
the interfaces on the device, or at least all of the interfaces that the
devices is likely to use to send traps. Make sure the addresses all
resolve to the same name, and that the name always resolves to the
SAME (primary) address. Then you won't have this problem. It will
also make it possible for you to use the 'Monitor..Events...Current Events'
function for that node and get all of the events, regardless of which
address they were sent from.
Another possiblity is that it always sends from the same address, but
Netview is not always able to resolve the name. This can happen if
you are using DNS and the DNS is unreliable. Perhaps it is too
busy, or too far away. A timeout occurs and netview proceeds with
just the address.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
Sometime Netview can interpret the host from the ip address of the trap, but
sometimes does not. It make me difficult to filter the similar in the
certain time through ruleset.
For example, when one of the interface down ( Serial 0 in this case ).
Sometime, it interpret the trap is come from HOST1.
Sometime, it can't interpret the trap, only quote the interface's address
In my ruleset setting, one of the field that will be checked is the origin.
In this case, the origin is different - that can not be interpret as the
10:18:47 AM 17 Sep HOST1 Serial0 22 EIA signal lost 3
10:19:02 AM 17 Sep Serial0 22 EIA signal lost 3
If there anyone has any idea for that ?