Okay James, I get it.
In the previous note I forgot to tell that I had demon tecad_nv6k working
with file tecad_nv6k.conf configurated to
send all the events to TEC.
I realize (correct me if I wrong) that tecad_nv6k override filter in Netview.
In fact if I switch off tecad_nv6k demon the filter works.
In my ignorance I supposed that tecad_nv6k must working to send events to TEC
from Netview.
Instead I realize that I don't need to run tecad_nv6k demon and I can
configure to send events to TEC by configuring only
Netview (Event Configuration and Ruleset Editor).
I wonder when I need to use tecad_nv6k demon ?
Are them tow alternative way ?
Thak you very much for your patience.