Hello Maria -
My German is so poor as to be all but non-existant, but I think you are asking
about mib2trap in NetView Version 4.
There isn't one. mib2trap came with Version 5. In earlier versions of NetView
you must use xnmtrap and manually define your traps. If you do not do this in
advance, then when they arrive, you will see the trap displayed with the message
"NO FMT FOUND" and this will list the enterprise id, the generic and specific
ids, and all the variables. You can then use this information to define the
trap and decide how it will be displayed.
I hope that you are aware that NetView Version 4 has been out of support in
Germany (and everywhere else in the world except Japan) since the end of
November 1998.
James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX) L3 Support
Maria Krebeck <Maria_Krebeck@WUH-LENGERICH.DE> on 10/20/99 04:20:28 AM
Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on NetView
cc: (bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems)
Subject: mib2trap
gibt es in der Version Netview 4.x den Befehl mib2trap noch nicht? Ich
üsste mal dringend das Trap-File aus einem bestehenden MIB-File erzeugt
haben. Wer kann mir helfen?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen
Maria Krebeck
Telefon: 05481-14-2930
Fax: 05481-14-3000
EMail: Maria_Krebeck@WUH-Lengerich.DE
WWW: WWW.WUH-Lengerich.DE