Willem, I'm not clear on what you are trying it do. Those
same words bring at least three scenarios to my mind. Can
you be more specifc? And tell us what platform you are on...
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
It appears that replacing the default background "gif" files in netview
5.1.1 is not as straightforward as just replacing the default gif files
with a new one and giving it the
same name. Any ideas on how to achieve this seemingly easy task wold be
Willem Bos
Professional Services Manager
Logical Networks Limited
100 Willis Street, P.O. Box 11-568, Wellington, New Zealand
Direct Dial: 64 4 495-6548; Mobile 64 21 840-762; Fax: 64 4 499-2739;
Switchboard: 64 4 499-2729
email: willem.bos@nz.logical.com <mailto:willem.bos@nz.logical.com>
http://www.logical.com <http://www.logical.com/>
Logical Support Centre: 0800 80 2729