You might be ok. That dialog you remember is from the Framework install.
Check the output files in /tmp, especially /tmp/update.log
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
Hello all,
Excuse the "simple" question.
I am trying to install Netview. Framework was setup and I have installed
patch on the TMR to add Netview client and server as a resourse
>From the TMR region ICON I have selected create Netview server and pointed
the CD.
I got a screen that said what the install would do and I then selected
install. It installed all files and I got an installation complete message.
The problem is, from my Netview course I remember it displaying a screen
prompted you for all the directory locations, yet I did not get this this
and I vaguly remember something on the course about a wrong way to install
can remember that one of the directories needs changing.
Can anybody help
I'm using AIX 4.3.3
Framework 3.61
Netview 5.1 initialling and will add the patches afterwards.
Networking Group - IBM in Ireland