You will have to use an inline action to get this. You can parse the 3rd
attribute or the 4th, depending on if you want the name or the IP address.
Here is an example of the environment variables of these attributes:
NVATTR_3=Interface eth0 down.
NVATTR_4= 942298604 547 546
The 4 fields of NVATTR_4 are:
1. IP Address
2. Time stamp
3. NetView's ovwdb object ID of the parent object
4. NetView's ovwdb object ID of the interface object.
kent.allison@AU1.IBM.COM wrote:
> From: Kent Allison@IBMAU on 02/12/99 15:48
> cc:
> Subject: Another Ruleset Question
> Hello,
> Does anyone know a method of distinguishing between say, a Loopback0
> interface down and a Serial0 interface down event in the Ruleset Editor?
> Both events come through as an generic NV_IDWN_EV trap. Do I have to parse
> the message text with an inline action or something? Any suggestions or
> actual working code would be appreciated!
> Regards,
> Kent
Ray Schafer |
The Kernel Group | Distributed Systems Management