Hello Everyone,
I am having a problem with getting a page sent out when a device goes down
that's being monitored in my map. Basically I have configured the ruleset
with the following parameters: event stream--->trap settings ( set using
netview6000 NDWN_EV )-->forward-->pager. I than create a dynamic workspace
and attach the ruleset to it. When I create the event it never displays the
event in the dynamic workspace or pages me. It does display in the event
window. If I modify the trap setting to look for a link down for a
proprietary trap definition, it works fine and even pages me like it should.
It seems as though the IBM_NDWN_EV doesn't get recognized for this ruleset
for some reason. I have double checked the enterprise trap OID value being
generated and it is the one for IBM_NDWN_EV. Does anyone have an ideas what
I am doing wrong?