Here's a re-post of one of James' that I save. Maybe you missed
some of these steps? I believe this is from the release notes.
There are two files, tecad_nv6k_tme.exe and tecad_nv6k_non_tme.exe. You
are supposed to pick the one suitable for your environment and rename it to
just tecad_nv6k.exe. You must run the non_tme version unless you also
have a Tivoli framework on the NT box, which is not a requirement by itself
for NetView for NT.
Once you have chosen the correct adapter, you are supposed to
(1) cd \usrov\lrf
(2) ovaddobj tecad_nv6k.lrf
>From then on the adapter is a daemon and will start and run with ovstart
tecad_nv6k or just ovstart.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
Hi all
I installed Netview 5.1.1 on winnt 4.0 machine A. I installed TEC server
console 3.6.1 on another winnt 4.0 machine B.
On machine A i edited tecad_6v6k.conf file and gave
ServerLocation = machine B name
ServerPort= 5529
Is there anythig else need to be done before working configurating
Netview to forward events to TEC. tecad_nv6k daemon running ok.
Thanks a lot for youe help.