There seem to be some traps in the Timeplex MIB files. Check for what
you want at or go directly to
http:/, which lists the MIBS for
Beyond that, you'll have to run mib2trap and run the resulting trap to
create them in trapd.conf. You may find that if you want only a small
number of the traps configured, it will be easier to enter them
individually. mib2trap is sometimes a lot more finicky than the vendors
trap mibs choose to be with the ASN.1 syntax.
Good luck.
"LEMOINE, Denis - DSIA" wrote:
> I would like to know if somebody can help me. I'm searching a conf. file
> /usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf correctly defined for AR, ER and IAN routers
> TIMEPLEX equipment.
> Thank you
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