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Re: How to open database of Netview with Access...

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: How to open database of Netview with Access...
From: Leslie Clark <lclark@US.IBM.COM>
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 20:36:29 -0500
Here's an answer that was posted once before. Not my area, but I save
this stuff...


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

"Ben-Shalom, Omer" <omer.ben-shalom@INTEL.COM> on 12/01/98 09:48:00 PM

Please respond to Discussion of IBM NetView and POLYCENTER Manager on
      NetView <NV-L@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU>

cc:    (bcc: Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM)
Subject:  Re: NetView v5.0a on NT & Access databases

I ran against the same problem.
the easiest way I found out was not to open the database file but use the
DSN created Snmpcollect_ds
This is not the same as opening the database but if you want to use
from the database in scripts this is good enough.
a good example is creating downtime reports.



I want to manipulate the snmpcollect_db.mdb file using Access, but I am
getting errors when I try to open this file.  It appears that I need to

some missing permission.  I have set ALL the NT security, & taken ownership
of the file, all to no avail!

Anyone know how to use this .mdb file?



     I have Netview 5.1 for Windows NT 4.0.

     I have tried to open the database: "Snmpcollect_db.mdb" with Microsoft
Access, and I get the following text:

     "The current user account doesn´t have permission to convert or enable
this database"

     I´ve tried to open it as Administrator, and as user "netview", and I

     How can I open this database wih Access?

     How can I change the permissions?

Thank you very much.

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