I used to have a script that did something very similar - but I checked and
I guess I blew it away.
Basically it used /usr/OV/bin/snmpget once a minute to grab the information
and threw it into a file. I then used awk to create the summary.
Let me know if you need more info. Good Luck.
Steve Stamper
Grand Rapids, MI
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rainer Daufenbach" <Rainer.Daufenbach@ksk-siegburg.de>
To: <NV-L@UCSBVM.ucsb.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 3:27 AM
Subject: [NV-L] Script for data collection
> Hello all
> i´m searching for a script for NetView for UNIX which can handle the
> requirements:
> 1. Automaticly start a Data Collection of a specific Router (Cisco 2504)
> interface. Like the collection WANIf%RecvUtil.
> 2. Automaticly stop this Data Collection after an hour.
> 3. After this a report should be generated with only the summary of the
> collection. This summary report should show the following parameters:
> Start time of collection
> End time of collection
> Minimum Utilization
> Average Utilization
> Maximum Utilization
> 4. Only this report should be saved and printed.
> 5. Then the next Data Collection should be started.
> Is there somebody who has a script like this, or can tell me how to write
such a
> script?
> regards
> Rainer Daufenbach
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