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Re: snmptrap command

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: snmptrap command
From: lclark@us.ibm.com
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 19:07:52 -0500
Arthur, this is from a script that I use to generate the real rearm trap
for data collection
for testing purposes. You should be able to model yours on this. In this
CCINOC_03 is the netview server, and ATLNOCATT is the node the event is
Note that this is the netview enterprise, and the first variable is the
'source' as in
N or A,  and the second variable ($2) is treated as the  source node. I
figured this
out from the man page for snmptrap. You will need continuation characters,
of course.

/usr/OV/bin/snmptrap CCINOC_03  .  ATLNOCATT  6  58720264
       . Integer 14
       . OctetString ATLNOCATT
       . OctetString "avgBusy5 0 threshold rearmed
(=29); 29. Sampled hig"
       . OctetString  "."
       . OctetString "0"

There is an outside chance that you might have trouble with the specific
number you have
chosen. It used to be documented (in V3) that specific trap ids 1000-1999
are reserved
for your use. I don't know if that means it mishandles other numbers.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on
03/22/2000 06:57 PM ---------------------------

"Boulieris, Arthur" <Arthur.Boulieris@nz.unisys.com>@tkg.com on 03/22/2000
05:41:35 PM

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To:   "'NV-L@UCSBVM.UCSB.EDU'" <NV-L@UCSBVM.ucsb.edu>
Subject:  [NV-L] snmptrap command

I am having trouble using the snmptrap command on Netview 5.1.2 on Solaris
I have configured a test trap under the netview enterprise
generic 6 and specific 60000001.
The command I am using is:
snmptrap unwnnvw01 . 6 60000001 0.
This appears to send a trap but nothing is recieved by trapd.log
If I remove the preceeding . from the enterprise id it sends a trap with no
fornat in the trapd.conf.
It preceeds the enterprise ID with a
.mgmnt.mib2.system.sysuptime. Rather confusing.
I also can not find any documnentation on exactly what and how the variable
work, hoe for example should I send the event description in my command, I
can send an octetstring but its not an event description.
Can any one out there please explain to me how traps work.

thankyou Arthur

   Arthur Boulieris
   Implementation & Support Specialist
   Systems Management


    Ph: 64-4-462 2787
    Mobile: 025 543 529


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