The mib instanceRE should be in the third position...
-mib \".\"
instead of...
-mib \".\"
The second position is reserved for miblabel.
Rick Reed
Tivoli Services
"Rauwers, Laurens" <> on 04/05/2000 10:53:40 AM
Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <>
To: IBM NetView Discussion <>
cc: (bcc: Rick Reed/Tivoli Systems)
Subject: [NV-L] xnmgraph: how to use the instanceRE flag?
Using NV5.1.2 on DECUnix.
I'am trying to graph a CPU performance figure from a table. I want to graph
only instance 0, reading the man page of xnmgraph gives me a solution that
doesn't seem to work. Trying other possibilities: not working either.
The problem is that the grapher graphs all instances of the table, instead
of instance 0 only.
I'am using the following mib flags:
-mib \".\"
Is there someone out there who can give me a hint?
Thanks in advance.
Laurens Rauwers
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