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NetView 6: "java VM could not start"

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: NetView 6: "java VM could not start"
From: "Thierry" <thierry.noel@online.be>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 14:36:29 +0200

Hi forum readers,

I have installed the following products: NetView 6 (on AIX 4.3.3) and NWAys
manager 2.1 and it seems that I have a problem with the java engine of
NetView. At first, everything went just fine, but I think that it was just
after I  deinstalled and reinstalled Nways that all of NetView java-based
applications stopped working (i.e. : the submap explorer and the seed file
editor). In fact, everytime the jre try to start, I get the following
message in //nv6000.log : " unable to initialize threads - could not find
/Java/lang/threads - unable to start Java VM".
How do I check if my java libs are still ok ? Perhaps there is a path
statement missing somewhere ?
Any comments are of course, welcome.

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