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Nways and Netview

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Nways and Netview
From: lclark@us.ibm.com
Date: Thu, 25 May 2000 21:04:28 -0400
You must have had an older version of Nways on there at some point. The
old-style PSMs (product specific module) that presented the device views
were provided by the Management Application Transporter, a feature of
Netview V3 & V4, and a separate product at some point in V4. The device
views are now all provided by Java Device Managers, completely
included in Nways. So if you have things in your map that are still
to be launced by the MAT, you probably ought to delete them and
rediscover them, since you no longer have (or need) a MAT with Nways
V2.1.  Actually, I would have expected a clean install of Nways to have
cleared this up.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

---------------------- Forwarded by Leslie Clark/Southfield/IBM on
05/25/2000 08:53 PM ---------------------------

alexis.henry@bnpparibas.com@tkg.com on 05/24/2000 05:29:17 AM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

Sent by:  owner-nv-l@tkg.com

To:   nv-l@tkg.com
Subject:  [NV-L] Nways and Netview

Hi all!

I'm running nways 2.1 on a netview server 5.1 on aix 4.3.3 and when i click
on a
nways node i receive the following message:

the application and action associated with this symbols are not available.
assigned application "application transporter" is no longer available.

What is "application transporter" ?
What can i do to make it available ?

Best reguards.

Alexis Henry
Banque Nationale de Paris


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