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Re: Upgrading from Netview 5.x to 6.0 - trap descriptions too long

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: Upgrading from Netview 5.x to 6.0 - trap descriptions too long
From: James_Shanks@tivoli.com
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2000 16:41:06 -0400
This issue is much older than 6.0,  and in fact the same migration issue exists
for going from Version 5.0 to 5.1, and 4.0 to 5.0.  The merging of the new
entries in the trapd.conf for the new release, with what you have customized in
the old one is done by awk, and awk has a 99-argument limit.   That's where the
issue arises.

No NetView traps have a description which exceeds 99 characters, but that is not
the case for some other vendors, who have tried to use the trap description as a
surrogate for operator training or man pages, and that is how the problem

In some previous releases, not only did the contents of the trapd.conf file
change, but sometimes also the structure, making the merge script the only way a
migration could be done.  But the structure did not change for 6.0 from Version
5.1. Do you want an  alternative migration procedure for 6.0?  This one should
(1) make a copy of your trapd.conf file and store it away somewhere.
(2) replace it with the default one shipped in /usr/OV/newconfig/OVSNMP-RUN
(3)  do your migration
(4) ovstop trapd.
(4) rename your /usr/OV/conf/C/trapd.conf to some trapd.conf.BAK , and replace
your old one in the same directory from wherever you stored it.  Now use diff -w
to show you the changes between the two and make updates in your old trapd.conf
to match the new additions in 6.0.
(5) source the Tivoli environment and ovstart trapd.  If you have made any
errors in the additions that really matter, trapd won't start and you will get
an error message as to the line which is in error.
(6) fix your errors and repeat step 5 until successful
(6) when trapd finally starts, do ovstart to get everything else going again.

Development thought that editing your descriptions permanently  or putting them
out to a file and later putting them back was an easier procedure.  You decide.

James Shanks
Tivoli (NetView for UNIX and NT) L3 Support

"Capers, Janelle (US - Hermitage)" <jcapers@dttus.com> on 06/12/2000 03:03:40 PM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   "'nv-l@tkg.com'" <nv-l@tkg.com>
cc:    (bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  [NV-L] Upgrading from Netview 5.x to 6.0 - trap descriptions too long

Has anyone run into the issue of Trap descriptions being too long when
trying to upgrade to 6.0?  The pre-installation checklist has you run
chktrapd from /cdrom/TOOLS and it looks for traps that are longer than 99
words in definition and flags them as errors that must be corrected.
Spanning tree was the first one to get flagged in my case.  I have 22 traps
that got flagged.  Tech. support recommends cutting and pasting the
descriptions to a file and the pasting them back once the upgrade is
complete.  They tell me the upgrade will not proceed until this is done.

This seems very odd and "hoaky".  Has anyone come up with a better way or
found this to not be a requirement?


Janelle Capers
Enterprise Systems Management
Deloitte & Touche PSC
Hermitage, TN

Has anyone run into the issue of Trap descriptions being too long when trying to upgrade to 6.0?  The pre-installation checklist has you run chktrapd from /cdrom/TOOLS and it looks for traps that are longer than 99 words in definition and flags them as errors that must be corrected.  Spanning tree was the first one to get flagged in my case.  I have 22 traps that got flagged.  Tech. support recommends cutting and pasting the descriptions to a file and the pasting them back once the upgrade is complete.  They tell me the upgrade will not proceed until this is done.

This seems very odd and "hoaky".  Has anyone come up with a better way or found this to not be a requirement?


Janelle Capers
Enterprise Systems Management
Deloitte & Touche PSC
Hermitage, TN

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