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-----Original Message-----
From: Rauwers, Laurens [mailto:rauwers@hitt.nl]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2000 5:30 PM
To: IBM NetView Discussion
Subject: [NV-L] Warning from printtool on Solaris 2.7, no graph
Using NetView 5.1.2 on Solaris 2.7
When I use the NetView menu cmd Tools->Print NetView gives a warning that
it uses /tmp for image files and that in case /tmp has not enough memory
space images will not be printed.
/tmp is mounted on the swap file system(which is virtual memory I think).
A df -k shows that there is a lot of free space.
However when a print of a graph is done, it doesn't print. I guess because
of the warning above.
Is there someone out there who can give me a hint?
Thanks in advance.
Laurens Rauwers
e-mail: rauwers@hitt.nl