I am running NV 6.0 on Solaris 2.6
CANNOT get the standalone WEB client to work.
I downloaded the larger file that included the swing.
I have verified the WEBSERVER and MIBSERVER are running. I have had
the web client working with the plugin for netscape from an NT but would
like to run it as a standalone.
I have installed the standalone WEB per instructions on both an NT and
SUN Solaris machine.
Neither works but both give similar errors about CLASSDEF not found.
The output from a SOLAARIS box followes...
I do not understand what its telling me is wrong. It never said to set
up any CLASSPATH with standalone version.
falcor.Princeton.EDU% ./nvwc.sh tiv-3.princeton.edu 8080
+ ../jre/bin/jre -mx64m -cp
com.tivoli.netview.client.NetViewClient --host filec --port 8080
Class not found: filec
Jeff Fitzwater
CIT Systems & Networking