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Re: Standalone WEB app ????

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: Standalone WEB app ????
From: Ebagley2@aol.com
Date: Sun, 30 Jul 2000 18:57:49 EDT
Jeffrey --

You need to cd into the directory where the nvwc.sh script resides before 
running nvwc.sh.  I've received those same "class not found" messages under 
Solaris when I've forgotten to change the directory.  (P. 23 of the NetView 
for UNIX 6.0 Release Notes.)  

Tivoli Education

In a message dated 7/28/00 4:18:54 PM Central Daylight Time, 
jfitz@Princeton.EDU writes:

> Subj:  [NV-L] Standalone WEB app ????
>  Date:    7/28/00 4:18:54 PM Central Daylight Time
>  From:    jfitz@Princeton.EDU (Jeffrey G. Fitzwater)
>  Sender:  owner-nv-l@tkg.com
>  Reply-to:    nv-l@tkg.com (IBM NetView Discussion)
>  To:  nv-l@tkg.com (IBM NetView Discussion)
>  I am running NV 6.0 on Solaris 2.6
>  CANNOT get the standalone WEB client to work.
>  I downloaded the larger file that included the swing.
>  I have verified the WEBSERVER and MIBSERVER are running.   I have had
>  the web client working with the plugin for netscape from an NT but would
>  like to run it as a standalone.
>  I have installed the standalone WEB per instructions on both an NT and
>  SUN Solaris machine.
>  Neither works but both give similar errors about CLASSDEF not found.
>  The output from a SOLAARIS box followes...
>  I do not understand what its telling me is wrong.  It never said to set
>  up any CLASSPATH with standalone version.
>  ___________
>  falcor.Princeton.EDU% ./nvwc.sh tiv-3.princeton.edu 8080
>  hi
>  + ../jre/bin/jre -mx64m -cp
>  ../jre/lib/swing.jar:../lib/sax.jar:../lib/nvtxdom.jar:../lib/antlr.jar:../
> lib/mapconnector.jar:../lib/objectproperties.jar:../lib/ovstatus.jar:../lib/
> submapexplorer.jar:../lib/mibbrowser.jar
>  com.tivoli.netview.client.NetViewClient --host filec --port 8080
>  Class not found: filec
>  Jeff Fitzwater
>  CIT Systems & Networking

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