Whoa..... hold on there folks.
According to the last information that I received from
support, NetView 5.1 (and later) for Unix was changed,
it does NOT work as you think.
My information goes like this:
1. Ping the interface
2. Wait the configured wait interval
3. Ping the interface again
4. Add 1 second to the previous wait interval
5. Repeat steps 3-4 until last retry
6. Drop back to the configured wait interval
7. Mark interface Down
Ping - Wait 2 - Ping - Wait 3 - Ping - Wait 2 - DOWN
This is the default setting that equates to 7 seconds.
Additionally: A retry of zero or one, pings once.
The retry count is actually the "try count".
I hope someone from netmon support can comment on this.
Don Davis