Check to see if you are using IP addresses in your SNMP configuration for
the devices that are having these problems. I had this exact same problem
on AIX 4.3.2 with NV6.0.1 and contacted support. They gave me a new version
of libnvsnmp.a which corrected the problem.
-Robert Boyce
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Elliott []
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 11:06 AM
To: ''
Subject: [NV-L] nmdemandpoll vs. snmpwalk
Happy Tuesday, Everyone,
Can anyone tell me if they've seen problems where an snmpwalk against a node
will work but an nmdemandpoll will not? The node does resolve in DNS via
nslookup, it is in the SNMP config and /etc/hosts file. The SNMP queries in
the nmdemandpoll timeout. I;m using NV 6.0 on Solaris 2.6.
Steve Elliott
Sr. Network Mgmt. Engineer
epicRealm, Inc.