Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to create a bitmap for a specific HP hub on my NV 6.0.1 (on AIX
4.3.3) server. I actually successfully used the same bitmaps on an NV 6.0
server. The OID is or
The method I used on both is:
1) created the bitmap and mask files using bitmap. I created a 38x38 and
scaled them to 20x20, 26x26, 32x32,44x44& 50x50.
2) updated the oid_to_type file
3) updated the /usr/OV/symbols/C/Device file because it is in the Net
Devices class
4) ovwexit
5) Stopped netmon daemon
6) Ran the ovw -config, ovw -fields and ovw -verify
7) Restarted netmon
If I test my bitmaps with the xsetroot -cursor bitmap.name mask.name
command, and the cursor changes to my bitmap correctly. Also the bitmap
appears correctly in the Help/Legend/Net Devices class. However, when I
create a Smartset for the OID - the objects use the Connector class,
multiport hub bitmap.
Has something changed with 6.0.1 that would cause this problem or am I
forgetting to perform a step?
Thanks very much.
Ray Westphal
NMSA Systems Administrator