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Réf. : Re: SNMP trap

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Réf. : Re: SNMP trap
From: alexis.henry@bnpparibas.com
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000 15:52:48 +0200
Thank you James !

This is all i need.

Alexis Henry
Groupe BNP-Paribas


James_Shanks@tivoli.com on 23/10/2000 14:35

Veuillez répondre à nv-l@tkg.com

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ccc : Alexis Henry
Objet :   Re: [NV-L] SNMP trap


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One possible solution is the snmptrap command shipped with MLM. As a
NetView enterprise customer you get MLM and you are entitled to install it
where you like.  The snmptrap command included in MLM is completely
stand-alone.  It does not do security checks and requires no NetView
libraries.  You should be able to drop it down on any box you like (as long
as it has an MLM-supported OS) and use it.   The syntax is a wee bit
different than the one that hips with NetView but if you have used one, the
other is a piece of cake.

James Shanks
Team Leader, Level 3 Support
 Tivoli NetView for UNIX and NT

alexis.henry@bnpparibas.com on 10/20/2000 06:18:45 AM

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   nv-l@tkg.com
cc:    (bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems)
Subject:  [NV-L] SNMP trap

Hi list!

I know this a NetView list but i believe someone can help me. I need to
send a
trap from an Aix 4.3.3 box to my netview server. This box isn't a netview
server, so i can't use snmptrap command. Do you know any tools  or command
to do
so (unix shell command, perl tools ...).

Best regards.

Alexis Henry
Groupe Bnp-Paribas.


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