Ray -
What operating system? What elv of NetView?
enerally if a daemon does not respond to kill, then it is doing some
kernal operation which the OS has protected and will not let be
interrupted. Often this points to some kind of kernal problem that only
new maintenance to the OS on the box in question will fix, so it is no easy
question to answer what to do. Typically, in that kind of a situation, a
reboot is your only choice. But kill -1 is not a very severe kill. If
you really want to stop a process you should be doing something like kill
My advice is that you contact NetView Support and get a debug tool
appropriate to your OS, variously called "dbxprof" or "gdbprof" by us,
Then if pmd hangs again, you may be able to run this tool and get a trace
of what it is doing. Of course, the kernal may not let you attach to the
runaway process either, in which case, only the OS vendor can help. You
may have to get them involved. But I don't think you are at that point
James Shanks
Team Leader, Level 3 Support
Tivoli NetView for UNIX and NT
Foss Ray-xrf001 <Ray.Foss@motorola.com> on 10/30/2000 09:49:21 AM
Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>
To: "'IBM NetView Discussion'" <nv-l@tkg.com>
cc: (bcc: James Shanks/Tivoli Systems)
Subject: [NV-L] Unable to stop PMD
I have a bit of a runaway NetView on one of our servers. After graceful
attempts to stop the server (ovstop), I had to resort to kill(1) to kill
the OV processes. All went down except for the pmd process. Now, when I
attempt a restart, NetView shows pmd as incorrectly parented and I agree!
There are no GUIs or maps open.
Anyone know why I can't kill pmd and what I can try to do to remedy this
Ray Foss
Office: 480-441-1093 Mobile: 602-721-4792
Pager: 800-759-8352 PIN: 1244994
FAX: 480-441-5455
Motorola, Inc.
Global Computing & Telecommunications
8111 East McDowell Road - AZ33-H1736
Scottsdale, Arizona 85257 USA
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