Hi Dean,
as far as I know the plotting routine uses xwd (X-windows-dump) to create a
bitmap from the graph. The size depends on your window size in pixels. It will
be hard to get the plotter to work on that bitmap...
You may try to save the data (File -> Save as...) to get an ascii-file and then
try to use a script to transform the data and then gnuplot or excel or whatever
you prefer. I once saw a guy who had written a shell-script to generate gnuplot
output directly from the saved ascii-file.
...not much help...
Michael Seibold
Gmünder Ersatzkasse GEK
>>> DSullinger@dot.state.az.us 30.01.2001 20.08 Uhr >>>
I have data that I have captured to the Netview Grapher that I would like to
send to a plotter from my Sun box. I have a plotting queue and tried to use
the -printCommand "lp -d plotquename" entry, but it just sat there. Also,
anyone know what sort of entry the -printGeometry command for Grapher uses?
Is this a single scale it is looking for or can I tell it an exact size,
such as 24x36? and what format does it take... there is very little on this
in the Man pages.
Dean Sullinger
Arizona Deptartment of Transportation
Technical Information Resources
Network Architecture Group
Email : dean@dot.state.az.us
SMail : 206 S. 17th Ave #119A Phx Az 85007-3212
Internet: http://www.dot.state.az.us