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Re: Service Level & Bandwidth Monitoring

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: Re: Service Level & Bandwidth Monitoring
From: echevarria@es.ibm.com
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 10:26:14 +0100


     I use Netview to log interface up/down and node up/down traps and
process them afterwards. I do it selecting "run a script" in trap
configuration window and I post process the generated file using some
scripts and a database. It works fairly well.



Juan Echevarría López
AT&T Global Network Services ----Tel: +34.91.3979764   Fax: +34.91.6768802
Internet: jechevarria@att.com   |   echevarria@es.ibm.com

danny@uk.ibm.com on 05/02/2001 09:36:59

Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>

To:   nv-l@tkg.com
Subject:  [NV-L] Service Level & Bandwidth Monitoring

Hi All

These are architectural questions rather than a techinical ones.

1. Have any of you have used NetView in anger as a tool to monitor the
service levels being provided by a network provider? My initial thoughts
are that one could correlate interface down & up traps/events to establish
the amount of time a line was unavailable and then put this informaton in
to a file for offline processing.

2. I know that NetView is capable of monitoring the throughput on network
interfaces, but have any of you used NetView to pinpoint large data
transfers and the associated bottlenecks?

Any information that you guys (and gals) can provide on these items would
be greatly appreciated.

It may be that there are more appropriate tools for each of these functions
- if so, please net me know.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Danny Williams
Tivoli & AIX Specialist
IBM Global Services - Integrated Technology Services
Tel: 665520 (01926-465520) -- MOBX: 275520 (07967-275520)

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