I found out a behaviour of RFI which let me think that I might need
to turn it off on our network. Situation is like this:
Netview --------- Router A -------------- Router B ------- Subnet B
Serial link
Serial link is configured with a IP subnet of 30 bits ( mask).
Now, when Router B is switch off completely (power failure):
- Subnet B and Router B becomes white (unreachable)
- Router A becomes yellow
- several interface, segment and network down events. A router marginal
event for both router A and router B
- no Node down or Router down event for Router B is sent. I don't even get a
Router unreachable event (?)
This behavior match the description of RFI in the doc. Indeed all subnets
to which Router B is connected are unreachable (since the serial interface
on router A went down, the subnet of the serial link has no more reachable
host). But I think that for the operator, the representation is misleading:
this is a very serious outage in the network, and the root fault is Router B.
But I don't see anything becoming red on the Home submap, and no major
event like "Node down" comes in. Only a marginal event for router A.
Does anybody has a suggestion for improving this situation?