Probably nothing to do to "improve" the
situation other than how you deal with
We treat yellow routers as bad and go
drilling for the red. Usually it is
an interface down, which is bad.
Also, you should be getting an "Interface
Down" event, which is usually also bad,
especially if they aren't supposed to go
Main message: Yellow is bad.
Les Dickert
Verisign Consulting
>Reply-To: IBM NetView Discussion <>
>To: " - *" <>
>Subject: [NV-L] RFI not very useful?
>Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 18:42:05 +0200
>I found out a behaviour of RFI which let me think that I might need
>to turn it off on our network. Situation is like this:
>Netview --------- Router A -------------- Router B ------- Subnet B
> Serial link
>Serial link is configured with a IP subnet of 30 bits (
>Now, when Router B is switch off completely (power failure):
>- Subnet B and Router B becomes white (unreachable)
>- Router A becomes yellow
>- several interface, segment and network down events. A router marginal
> event for both router A and router B
>- no Node down or Router down event for Router B is sent. I don't even get
> Router unreachable event (?)
>This behavior match the description of RFI in the doc. Indeed all subnets
>to which Router B is connected are unreachable (since the serial interface
>on router A went down, the subnet of the serial link has no more reachable
>host). But I think that for the operator, the representation is misleading:
>this is a very serious outage in the network, and the root fault is Router
>But I don't see anything becoming red on the Home submap, and no major
>event like "Node down" comes in. Only a marginal event for router A.
>Does anybody has a suggestion for improving this situation?
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