To James Shanks:
Thanks a quickly answer.
You wrote:
"Well, the alog shows that at first nvcorrd cannot connect to nvcold, so he
cannot do the query collection.
Is nvcold running? Did you just start the daemons -- if so then h probabyl
busy. Notice that eventually he connects.
Then he asks if the origin of the trap is in the collection and nvcold says
it is not, so nothing is done.
Has this ever worked?
I think you should be using Attribute 2, which for NetView traps is the
hostname, rather than Origin here, which may be the NetView box itself. "
Q: Is nvcold running?
A: The processes are:
[ROOT]:/usr/OV/service:> nvstat
NOTE: ovspmd is process 51602
actionsvr 71922 75620 nvsecd,nvcorrd
ems_log_agent 54764 ovspmd nvsecd,ems_sieve_agent
ems_sieve_agent 64588 ovspmd nvsecd,pmd,ovtopmd
mgragentd 70098 ovspmd nvsecd
mibserver 70794 ovspmd webserver
netmon 70592 ovspmd nvsecd,ovtopmd,trapd,ovwdb
nvcold 40056 ovspmd nvsecd,ovwdb
nvcorrd 62788 ovspmd nvsecd,trapd
nvlockd 64312 ovspmd nvsecd
nvpagerd 66710 ovspmd nvsecd
nvsecd 51346 ovspmd
nvserverd 77222 ovspmd nvsecd,nvcorrd
ovactiond 54788 ovspmd nvsecd,trapd
OVORS_M 73752 ovspmd nvsecd,pmd
ovtopmd 74594 ovspmd nvsecd,trapd,ovwdb
ovwdb 75384 ovspmd nvsecd
pmd 71256 ovspmd nvsecd
snmpCollect 52978 ovspmd nvsecd,trapd,ovwdb,ovtopmd
trapd 60704 ovspmd nvsecd,pmd
trapgend 72888 ovspmd nvsecd
webserver 70794 ovspmd ovwdb
How can I control the nvcold is working correct?
Fürtön Gyula
hálózati rendszergazda
DÉGÁZ Rt., Szeged
Tel: +36-62-569-778
Mobil: +36-30-9-157-076