If you're using NV 6.0.2 you can look in the \usr\ov\www folder and see
that the start_jetty.bat file starts three JRE processes: image
converter, Mib server and Web server. You shouldn't have to do anything
to start the MIB server; in fact starting a second one may have confused
the system. Unlike the Unix version, the NT version just requires you
to select the Start Web Server icon in the NetView Administration folder.
I don't know why they have either of the unix shell scripts in that
directory (probably a slip up in packaging) or why they have a
start_mibserver.bat file there. I think it's because they originally
started them up separately in both Unix and NT and later deleted
start_webserver.bat when they created start_jetty.bat but didn't take
out the mibserver one.
Just issue start_jetty and you should be in good shape assuming the MIB
for your device is in the \usr\ov\www\mibserver\mibs directory.
Bill Evans -- Consultant in Enterprise Systems Management
reply-to: wvevans@prodigy.net (or Bill_Evans@sra.com)
Phone: 919-696-7513