For loading the traps, there is a trapd.conf delivered with 6.01 that has
just about everything in it. On Unix, you can do
nvaddtrapdconf /usr/OV/newconfig/OVSNMP-RUN/trapd.conf
There is one small problem in those definitions that I know of.
One or more Cisco enterprises send a specific 1 trap with an
enterprise that is a digit shorter than expected, so the events
display shows those as the generic Cisco enterprise (
specific 1, which is tcpConnectClose. The cisco rsrb enterprise
is one that does this. You will need to add another enterprise like
the rsrb enterprise but with the actual enterprise number of the
trap. You can tell from the variable bindings that accompany the
trap that it is not a tcpConnectClose trap.
This method (nvaddtrapdconf) is much, much more convenient
than using mib2trap to pull all of the trap defintions out of all of
the mibs, which is the method to be used with other vendors'
mibs that contain trap definitions.
Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking
"Paul Maine
Jr." To: "'IBM NetView Discussion'"
<paulm@msicc.c <>
om> cc:
Sent by: Subject: RE: [NV-L] setting traps
08/06/01 08:47
Please respond
to IBM NetView
Please see the following link for the Cisco MIBs. You can only collect
-----Original Message-----
From: Edwin Kiran F []
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 7:25 AM
To: ''
Subject: [NV-L] setting traps
Hi list,
iam new to Netview,can anyone of u guide me on
1.How to get mibs for cisco routers,(which site) and how do i load it.
2.After loading the MIBs how can i configure the Traps.
Thanks in advance
F.Edwin kiran
Bangalore Labs, India
"Internet Infrastructure Managers"
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