Instead of sending a Netview Severity to TEC, I have a Trap Slot Map being
passed for each event forwarded in our Ruleset to TEC. For instance:
Event Name: Compaq_str_1003
T/EC Event Class: cpqSePCCardThermal
Slot Name: severity
Slot Value: SEV_2
This creates consistency across our Netview--->TEC--->Remedy (Help Desk)
integration. I believe it could easily be done to override the severity
based on Origin in the Ruleset, my problem lies is that I have to overide
the Trap Slot Mapping in that TEC does not process "critical" but instead
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nv-l@tkg.com [mailto:owner-nv-l@tkg.com]On Behalf Of James
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 3:04 PM
To: IBM NetView Discussion
Subject: Re: [NV-L] Hostname Severity Exceptions
How are you sending the events to TEC now? By a ruleset? What does it do?
You can easily add an override node to a ruleset to change the severity but
the tricky part is adding this to whatever you are already doing.
James Shanks
Level 3 Support
Tivoli NetView for UNIX and NT
Please note that my id has changed.
If you need to reply, send to shanks@us.tivoli.com
when outside of IBM/Tivoli or to
James Shanks/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS when inside.
"Eric Pobst" <epobst@mediaone.net>@tkg.com on 08/06/2001 02:42:08 PM
Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <nv-l@tkg.com>
Sent by: owner-nv-l@tkg.com
To: "Nv-L" <nv-l@tkg.com>
Subject: [NV-L] Hostname Severity Exceptions
I was wondering what would be the easiest way to create an exception to a
rule and whether it would be better served processing the rule on Netview
would it be easier on TEC. Basically, out of 210 Compaq Servers, the
customer wants all events to come in as SEV_4 (currently, I have a TEC Slot
to pass severities), but for 2 specific servers server_1 and server_2, they
want to have the severities be SEV_2.
The rule logic would be If server_1 or server_2 then severity=SEV_2, else
It is my first pass as a Netview newbie to insert exceptions, so any
feedback is greatly appreciated.