Hi Dave, you can configure it in Options, Event configuration... ,
then select the event you want to send as HARMLESS , modify the event adding
a slot in "T/EC Slot Map"
SLOT NAME: severity
Regards, Cristina.
-----Mensaje original-----
De: reamd@Nationwide.com [mailto:reamd@Nationwide.com]
Enviado el: martes 7 de agosto de 2001 13:54
Para: nv-l@tkg.com
Asunto: [NV-L] Sending Harmless Events as open?
Hi All,
Is there a way to send all events to tec as open? Right now
Netview is sending HARMLESS events as closed. Tec appears to have a bug, it
is dropping the closed events before they can be processed.
AIX 4.3.3
Netview 6.02
NV-L List information and Archives: http://www.tkg.com/nv-l
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