I have inherited maintenance of a series of small (25 IP addresses)
systems with a NetView based monitoring and control workstation at
each of 20 sites. Approximately 5 or 6 times each day at each site
NetView displays a message such as "Interface eth0 (or eth1 or Fddi0)
down" for some processor or router port. These traps are set up using
ovxbeep to post an alarm that must be manually acknowledged. However,
the processor or port is not actually down. The system being
monitored is a real-time, life critical system with personnel manning
the monitoring position 24/7. The problem is that the monitoring
personnel have beome used to ignoring the alerts and just clicking
them off because they are almost always false alarms and they are now
complaining about the high number of false alarms. This is a bad
situation in a life critical environment.
Although I have very little actual NetView expertise I have been told
that the traps can be filtered so that the trap would only be
displayed if if happened twice during some time period or twice in a
row, or something similar.
I'm hoping someone can either help in how this filtering might be done
or point me to a good reference source.
I would appreciate it very much if you could respond to my email
address since I have just joined the maining list and am not fully set
up yet.
Thanks in advance for any help.