Hello all,
we are running NetView NT 6.02 on Windows NT4 SP6a.
I created a script, which backs up all the NetView databases to have them
available in cases of problems.
Here it is:
@echo off
rem Script to fix and backup NetView databases
set NVBINDIR=%NV_DRIVE%\usr\ov\bin
set NVDBDIR=%NV_DRIVE%\usr\ov\databases
rem Stop TEC adapter to suppress sending error messages to the TEC server
%NVBINDIR%\ovstop tecad_nv6k
rem Stop netmon deamon and fix the topology database
%NVBINDIR%\ovstop netmon
%NVBINDIR%\ovtopofix -a
rem Stop ovtopmd deamon and compress topology database
%NVBINDIR%\ovstop ovtopmd
%NVBINDIR%\ovtopofix -C
rem Check graphical user interface map reference counts and update incorrect
%NVBINDIR%\ovmapcount -u
rem Stop SNMPCollect deamon and kill all the SNMPCollect data collectors
%NVBINDIR%\ovstop snmpcollect
%NVBINDIR%\snmpcollect -K
rem Backup databases
xcopy /I/E/V %NVDBDIR% %NV_DRIVE%\usr\ov\backup_databases
rem Restart all NetView deamons
The script works fine, except the command 'ovtopofix -C' which produces the
following output:
Invalid switch - "usr".
Invalid switch - "usr".
Invalid switch - "usr".
Invalid switch - "usr".
Invalid switch - "usr".
Invalid switch - "usr".
Invalid switch - "usr".
Invalid switch - "usr".
What does that mean? Is that an error message?
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Best regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Peter Weischer
3M Deutschland GmbH
Carl-Schurz-Str. 1
41453 Neuss
Fon: +49 (0)2131 14 2401
Fax: +49 (0)2131 14 122401
Email: pweischer@mmm.com