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RE: Nodes not well discovered in Smartsets

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: RE: Nodes not well discovered in Smartsets
From: "Leslie Clark" <lclark@us.ibm.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:42:12 -0400
That probem happened fairly frequently in 6.0. I have not seen it in
a long time. Are you at 6.0.2? And have you done the regular
housekeeping lately ? (that is ovmapcount -a and ovtopofix -a).
I suspect that when you deleted them they were not completely
deleted, and the smartset causes the remnant to be expressed
graphically. You should delete those blue things. They are
not the same object as the newly discovered nodes.


Leslie A. Clark
IBM Global Services - Systems Mgmt & Networking

                    Lavin,               To:     IBM NetView Discussion 
                    Cristina"            cc:                                    
                    <calvarezl@ibe       Subject:     RE: [NV-L] Nodes not well 
                    rdrola.es>            in Smartsets                          
                    Sent by:                                                    
                    09/25/01 10:18                                              
                    Please respond                                              
                    to IBM NetView                                              

No, is a Read/Write map, any idea?

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Barr, Scott [mailto:Scott_Barr@csgsystems.com]
Enviado el: martes 25 de septiembre de 2001 15:27
Para: 'IBM NetView Discussion'
Asunto: RE: [NV-L] Nodes not well discovered in Smartsets

Is this on a read only map they are blue?

-----Original Message-----
From: Alvarez Lavin, Cristina [mailto:calvarezl@iberdrola.es]
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:20 AM
To: IBM NetView Discussion
Subject: RE: [NV-L] Nodes not well discovered in Smartsets

Thanks Oliver,
but that doesn`t work. I think  I didn`t explain the problem in the right
way. The nodes are well discovered along the maps, segments ....but in the
smart sets they appear in blue and clicking on them pop up like this
"This object does not have a child submap". But clicking the same object in
any map we can see a child submap with all of its interfaces. The problem
is, that we`re sending events to TEC with a ruleset based on smartset
objects. If this object in blue has no interfaces inside of them, we can`t
control the interfaces downs.

In Tools -> Display Object Information -> There`s no TopM Interface List,
because the object is empty.

waiting for your answer,

Cristina Alvarez.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Oliver Bruchhaeuser [mailto:oliver.bruchhaeuser@de.ibm.com]
Enviado el: martes 25 de septiembre de 2001 13:06
Para: IBM NetView Discussion
Asunto: Re: [NV-L] Nodes not well discovered in Smartsets


take a look at the IP address and network mask of this blue node:
Tools -> Display Object Information -> TopM Interface List
Then calculate the belonging network.
Locate the network in IP Map.

And finally "Manage" the network ;-)

Kind regards

Oliver Bruchhaeuser
Tivoli NetView EMEA L2 Support

IBM Deutschland GmbH - ITS Tivoli - Dept. 7977 - Hechtsheimer Str. 2 -
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                    Lavin,               To:     "Lista de Netview
                    Cristina"            cc:

                    <calvarezl@ibe       Subject:     [NV-L] Nodes not well
discovered in Smartsets

                    Sent by:





                    Please respond

                    to IBM NetView


Hi list,
we've just deleted few nodes in our Netview 6.0 for rediscovering them. And
when Netview rediscovered them they appear ok in the maps, but not in the
smartset. They appear in blue whit no child submap, and with a diferent
For example, node sapb3e1 appears in the smartset in blue, with no
interfaces inside, and with the following label sapb3e1.iberdrola.es.
Does anybody know anything about it?
Thanks in advanced.

Cristina Alvarez.

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