Yes, I think TIPN function is well and need improve. For example , admin
can get the DM monitors data from the NV ip map. Our customer now use this
function and expect more esay and power.
Shen Ou, Advisory I/T Specialist
Tivoli Software, IBM China Shanghai Software Center
10/F Shui On Plaza No.333 Huai Hai Zhong Road Shanghai 200021,China
Tel:(8621)63262288*2097 Fax:(8621)63261177
Pam Geiger/Raleigh/ on 2001-10-25 02:06:05
Please respond to IBM NetView Discussion <>
Sent by:
Subject: [NV-L] NetView7.1 and TIPN - follow up from today's call
This is for Jane in response to the portion of TIPN that populated the
NetView collections from the object database. That was part of the
Framework diagnostics and is currently not supported. I spoke with
development about it and the feeling is that there are not a lot of
customers using this function. So, if you do have a business need for this
function, please feed that information back so that I can let development
know. Thanks.