(Personal recommendation)
I recommend only using MLMs if you have traps you need to filter, or part
of your network is behind a very slow link ....very slow. The
performance of netmon has increased over the years that you do not have to
distribute polling in a normal case.
The only reason to install a MLM on a NetView would be this:
-- you are receiving trap traffic so heavy that NetView processing has
slowed down too much.....and most traps you do not care about. You also
cannot stop them at the agent. You also do not have access to a second
box that could be a MLM. In this case, installing an MLM, configuring
trap filters, have MLM listen at 162 and NV at different port will ease the
performance of your NV server.
I don't understand how an MLM helps NAT issue. Even if MLM does
discovery, NetView I think will still need to walk the MIB of that device
when MLM tells him about it.
Stephen Hochstetler shochste@us.ibm.com
ITSO Tivoli Coordinator - Austin
Office - 512-436-8564 FAX - 512-436-1991