>From one of my Tivoli books:
Event Log messags can be customized by using the following variables:
$# Displays the number of variables in trap
$* Displays all variables by trap
$n Value of nth variable in trap
My problem:
I am adding a 'optional' action to be run for a specific trap. This works,
my action runs and I can verify the output. Lets call my action x.sh. FYI
x.sh logs to a file that I am viewing. x.sh is:
echo "`date` -- $@" >> /tmp/x.out
This is how I have tried to configure my action in Event Configuration
(using full path of course):
x.sh $# -- My output shows '7' as the number of variables (argc), looks
x.sh $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 -- My output shows all 7 variables, everything
looks good.
x.sh $* -- Nothing gets written to log file. No record of the action
getting kicked off.
x.sh $\* -- Output shows '$', guess the '\' tells the shell to ignore the
I canot seem to get $* to work. Am I missing something?
Thanks for your time,
Jason Allison
Principal Engineer
ARINC Incorporated
Office: (410) 266-2006
FAX: (410) 573-3026