I think you should recommend to the customer that
they not waste their time with NetView 5.1. If
they want NetView, go with 6.0.2 or 7.1. There
are enough differences between 5.1 and
6.0.2 (and 7.1) that looking at 5.1 to decide whether
or not to go to 6.0.2 or 7.1 is not a valid evaluation.
Les Dickert
> We have a customer that owns netview for nt, v5.1,
which has never been
> installed.
> They want us to setup and demonstrate this older
version prior to
> committing to purchasing a current version.
> Will this version run on w2k? Where are patches
available for this
> version?
> What do you think?
> --
> Best Regards,
> mds
> mds resource
> 888.250.3987