"James Shanks" <jshanks@us.ibm.com> writes:
> All SNMP agents should be able to use 161/udp. That is still the
> standard. So your Checkpoint Firewall should permit reconfiguration to
> the standard.
The problem here comes if the host system (e.g. Nokia hardware
firewall running Checkpoint) agent answers on that port too and you
need that info too.
> snmpCollect will not let you specify a port in any fashion that I am
> aware of.
Yeah, we've run into this limitation which is a bummer since they seem
to be getting more common. Another situation arises when say a web
server OS is listening on 161, but a 3rd party agent that monitors the
web server processes answers on another port.
> You could write your own script to run snmpget commands (snmpget
> will let you specify a port) but that's all I can think of
That's the usual workaround for us too.
Then, hopefully the MIB variable being polled is compatible with (and
the agent answers) snmpv1 GET requests and datatypes. :-)
Todd H.