>From the man page for tecint.conf on my 6.0.2 system:
This field is required when Forward events is set to yes. It specifies the
hostname or IP Address of the TEC server. Only one host can be entered (see
"Editing the /usr/OV/conf/tecint.conf File" *** for more information). If
the hostname or IP Address of the host entered here cannot be pinged from
NetView when the file is created, a pop-up notification is displayed.
It looks like that would not be possible.
-----Original Message-----
From: reamd@Nationwide.com [mailto:reamd@Nationwide.com]
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2002 12:52 PM
To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: [nv-l] Forwarding Events
Hi All,
I am currently forwarding a (ToTec.rs) ruleset to the TEC which
includes router up, down and interface up,down. My question is, is there a
way to do a Forwardall.rs (all events) to a different location as well as
sending the ToTec.rs to the TEC? Thanks, Dave
AIX 4.3.3
Netview 6.03
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