"Barr, Scott" <Scott_Barr@csgsystems.com> writes:
> SNMP status polling is set automatically for any router with un-numbered
> serial interfaces OR it is coded in the seedfile:
> routername
> $routername
> The dollar sign forces the previous entry to use SNMP status polling. You
> will probably have to delete and re-discover the node. I highly recommend
> SNMP status polling whereever possible on the basis that it is FAR less work
> to manage interfaces since you don't have to ping all of them (or unmanage
> them).
On the other hand, as James has said, network bandwidth wise, isn't
ICMP pinging cheaper?
An ICMP echo and ICMP echo-reply pair are pretty tiny in comparison to
individual SNMP GET requests. IIRC NetView isn't particularly
efficient at aggregating GET's.
Todd H.