Hi Community!
i´m upgrading (want to) nv 6.0.2 to 7.1.2 on an nt4 server (production-),
but it does not complete. I did the same yesterday on a similar system
(test-)and it worked fine (should be similar).
I compared the nvinstal.log of both (one from c:\temp) - the log of the
production system ends with the entry: "Creating NetView Registry Keys...
new TCL_LIBRARY=D:\usr\ov\bin"
the next entries in the inst..log of the working server are the
regestry-cleaning, update of the hosts file and netview service editing.
- i tried to compare both registry nv-entries and they are nearly the same.
The test-server reg. shows one more entry:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:CLSID:localserver32:(Default) "D:\usr\ov\bin\SUMMAR~1.exe"
and the services entries ...Services:NetView...
the rest seams to be the same
- are exactly the same on both systems
- In the services file the "snmpserver" entry is not existing on the
production sys
- (next thing its a bit strange) to start the service you need a to create a
NT-User: NetView. I done it, started the installation and it hanged again. A
further look into the nt-user-admin-gui showed that the user was not
existing anymore. I create the user again and i was able to start the
install the
service manually. I thinks thats prove enought that the user is really
in the system and again controlled the nt-user-admin-gui, the user was
still there. Then i started the installation again and again the installtion
and the user was gone :\... (aftre a reboot the user still exists)
does any know whats happening here and/or a way out
... thnx.... hannes
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