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RES: [nv-l] Router discovery

To: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Subject: RES: [nv-l] Router discovery
From: Marcos Antonio Pezzutti Filho <pezzutti@banespa.com.br>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 18:21:09 -0300
Hi Ben,

You have to make sure with some items:

1)Do you get resolve all Ip address with DNS? (eg. Loopback IP address in
direct resolution file - named.data, and all  others Ips on the reverse file
- named.rev);

Line in named.data file:
ROUTER_A       9999999 IN      A (loopback address)

Lines in named.rev file:     IN      PTR     ROUTER_A. (Loopback address)     IN      PTR     ROUTER_A.     IN      PTR     ROUTER_A.

With this procedure you certify that Netview will be able to know all the

2)Certify that the name in DNS is the same of cdpname (if cisco routers) or
sysname (if others routers).

Answering you question about changing name or IP:
You can change the name and the IP since you change in DNS first. If you
want to change only an IP address, you can change this IP in DNS files and
after that execute a demand poll, Netview will do the changing in its base. 

-----Mensagem original-----
De: bducharme@avdl.com [mailto:bducharme@avdl.com] 
Enviada em: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 16:31
Para: nv-l@lists.tivoli.com
Assunto: [nv-l] Router discovery


Netview 6.2 on AIX 4.3.2

I have a problem for the discovery of my routers.
Here is how I understand the discovery process for a router: The name of the
router "node" is the name of the first interface that he found and can be
resolved in the dns or hosts file. In the case of CiscoWorks it is the first
interface it found and that can be resolved in a loopback query. So is it
the same in Netview ? Can we change the name of the router nbode or his ip
adress ?


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