Dear list,
I just setup a test environment running Linux RedHat 7.3, NetView 7.1.3,
Tivoli Management Framework 4.1. I have successfully installed NetView
under TMF 4.1 environment.
The problem I'm facing is, when I try to open NetView User Interface from
Tivoli Desktop (by right clicking NetView icon->Start User Interface), I
received the following error message and the user interface fails to open:
FRWSL0024E A failure was detected by the oserv daemon: FRWOG0003E general
Summary of possible error conditions:
"general failure" frequently means that a method finished abnormally due to
a serious error condition.
If I call the interface from Linux console by issuing netview command, the
NetView opens up successfully. I guess the error has to do with the
framework. I have also installed the NetView framework patch.
I appreciate if somebody can give me a clue on this.
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