Hi Karl,
2 things. You can turn off the pre-req checks by creating the file
/tmp/.noNVPrereqCheck - however I wouldn't recommend this - if it runs
at all, it will be an absolute dog (I tried this at one stage with an
AIX system and it did nothing but thrash - good way to wear out your disk!).
TIPN is no longer shipped - hasn't been with any NV 7.x - which bits of
TIPN are you trying to achieve?
Most of the TEC stuff is now incorporated into base NetView (like seeing
TEC events from a node on the NV GUI). You don't (never did) need TIPN
to get events from NV -> TEC nor for the link from TEC Console -> NV
Console. If you want to create TEC Event Groups based on NV SmartSets,
this is kludgeable (we do it as an exercise in the new Advanced NetView
If you are looking for the old TIPN Inventory integration, that is now
available as part of Config Manager or came with Inventory 4.0 patch
4.0-INV-0026. There is a recent Redbook on this - SG24-6626.
Karl Prinelle wrote:
I'm trying to install NV 7.1.3 on Linux RH 7.2 as a framework install,
but I only have 128Mb ram & it is refusing to install - all the other
pre-req's are ok.
I've previously used this machine as a non-fwk netview install &
despite a little moan about too little memory, it works well enough -
this is only a test machine.
The only reason I want to use a fwk install is to test TIPN which
appears to only work against a NV server which is a MN.
Is there a work-around / script to copy & edit to avoid this? I've
had a look at what was copied to the machine, but it seems the
additional pre-req check is being done from a script that is inside a
.pkt & is only extracted at runtime...
Is it possible (I can't see it myself) to install as non-fwk and then
"attach" to fwk after install by creating the necessary objects in the
oserv db...?
I've had a look at the archives but can't see anything that fits.
Thanks in advance
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